jueves, 17 de agosto de 2006

Tests de personalidad informática

Resolví unos tests de BBspot.com y aquí los resultados (click para resolver el test):

¿Qué lenguaje de programación eres?

You are COBOL. You are very business-oriented.  You make conversations longer than they should be, and people easily grow bored by you.


¿Qué Sistema Operativo eres?

You are Windows XP.  Under your bright and cheerful exterior is a strong and stable personality.  You have a tendency to do more than what is asked or even desired.

Algo así.

¿Qué extensión de archivo eres?

You are .gif Sometimes you are animated, but usually you just sit there and look pretty.

A veces :P

¿Qué página web eres?

You are fark.com  You are popular, but many people don't take you seriously.  You like hearing yourself talk, and are fond of cliches. You like boobies.

Correcto, aunque no me gusta fark. Prefiero Digg

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